ECOSystems Landscape Services


ECOSystems Landscape Services - MEMBER SPOTLIGHT

Kim Goyette
ECOSystems Landscape Services
(512) 294-4744
Email Kim

Let's get to know ECOSystems and Kim a little better!

Q. How long have you been a member of CAI?
A. ECOSystems Landscape Services has been a member of CAI for seven years.

Q. Why did you join CAI?
A. CAI provides opportunities to connect with members of our target market, they share pertinent information about our client's industry and our membership is an excellent return on our investment.

Q. What is your current occupation
A. Commercial Landscape and Irrigation Services

Q. What do you love most about your industry?
A. We get to make Austin look beautiful every day!

Q. How have you adapted your business model to COVID-19 to work alongside your clients during this time?
A. Landscaping is considered an essential service, so we were able to maintain our services throughout the entire quarantine. We held a special training for our employees out in the field about social distancing, personal hygiene and reasons to stay home due to COVID-19 symptoms. In the interest of the well-being of the community, we practice safe social distancing from our customers and the general public while servicing properties. All communication with our clients are achieved via text, email or phone call unless otherwise requested.

Q. What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
A. My husband, daughter and I took off in 2018 to travel around the world for a year. We visited 26-different countries during our adventure and had so many incredible experiences learning about culture, religion, geography and tasting all the exotic cuisine. I am currently writing a book about our travels to inspire others to get out and explore our magical planet.

Q. What is one new thing - either industry related or not - you learned in the last month?
A. During Quarantine, I came up with my new motto "Just roll with it." When I taught my first yoga class via Zoom and the sound went out I said "Just roll with it." When the Wifi went down while I was trying to work from home I said "Just roll with it." And when my husband, daughter and I were getting on each other's nerves being together 24/7 I said "Just roll with it." During these unique times, I have found endless opportunities to say my new mantra and it's helped to keep me calm.

Q. What's the first concert you attended?
A. I attended the "Pour Some Sugar on Me" Def Leppard concert at a fairground in the 80's and thought it was fabulous.